Tuesday, February 01, 2000

Shiny Fon-Fon

Originator: Barry Dauphin

Species: inshore brackish


Redfish love charlies of all kinds, and this pattern by Barry Dauphin of Lafayette is a cousin to the charlie, but without the wing. The secret to the flies success, and to its name, is the shiny tail. Barry says the tail on the Shiny Fon-Fon is that little extra, or lagniappe, that gets Mr. Redfish on the fly like a hungry Cajun on french bread!


  •  Mustad 34007 hook size 2
  •  Dyed yellow grizzly hackle feather
  •  Large bead chain eyes
  •  Pink chenille
  •  Silver krystal flash
  •  Silver flashabou, narrow in width


  1. Tie in eyes and wrap thread toward bend of hook.
  2.  Tie in 50/50 mix of krystal and flashabou for tail, length of tail should be length of hook
  3. Tie in the hackle feather at bend, followed by the chenille.
  4. Wrap the chenille toward the front, covering the hook and tying off behind the bead eye.
  5. Palmer the feather towards the front, and tie off behind the bead eyes.
  6. For added durability, use epoxy or clear nail polish on the threads between the eye of the hook and the bead chain.eyes.