A few folks who missed all the free kayak demo days held around the state the first weekend of this month have expressed concern. "Will there be more?". The answer is... YES! In fact, the season was just getting started!
I don't see any listed for the remainder of this month, but a bunch lined up for April and May. Jot these days and locations down for the one most convenient to you. On April 7, Masseys Outfitters of Baton Rouge will hold one at BREC Wampold Park. Time is 11:00am to 3:00pm. On April 14, Masseys of New Orleans will hold a KDD on Bayou St John near Cabrini Bridge from 10:00am to 2:00pm. On April 21, Ship and Shore will hold one at Prien Lake Park in Lake Charles. Time is 10:00am to 2:00pm. The Backpacker in Baton Rouge and in Lafayette will have demo days during April as well, dates haven't been confirmed yet. But check their Facebook page or call 800-414-4685.