Sunday, April 01, 2018

What's happening this week 4/1

On Monday, the Acadiana Fly Rodders hold their monthly meeting at Grace Presbyterian Church Hall on 415 Roselawn Blvd in Lafayette. Time is 6:30pm. Guests are welcome.

On Wednesday, the Pontchartrain Basin Fly Fishers hold their monthly meeting at Abita Brew Pub on 72011 Holly Street in Abita Springs. Gathering starts at 6:00pm, meeting at 6:30pm.  Guests are welcome. For more info, go to

Starting Friday, and continuing Saturday, it's the 4th annual Lake Athens Fly Fishing Festival & Big Bass Contest at Lake Athens Marina in Athens, Texas. The festival is free, entry to the Big Bass Contest is $40. Pre-registration is required. Hosted by our friend Johnny Martinez, a fly fishing guide on the lake, the event features various vendors, casting and fly tying demonstrations, great food and more. The bass contest is CPR format, both biggest bass and longest stringer. Fly rod only, approved fish ruler, and smartphone with camera are some of the rules. All net proceeds will benefit Project Healing Waters. For more info, go to

On Saturday, Masseys Outfitters in Baton Rouge will hold a free Kayak Demo Day at BREC Wampold Park on University Lake in Baton Rouge. Boats will include models from Jackson, Native Watercraft, Bonafide and others. No Hobie products at this demo (available only at the New Orleans demos). For more info,