On Tuesday, the Acadiana Fly Rodders hold their monthly meeting at
Grace Presbyterian Hall on 415 Roselawn in Lafayette. Times is 6:30pm.
Guests are welcome.
On Wednesday, the Pontchartrain
Basin Fly Fishers hold their monthly meeting at Abita Brew Pub on 72011
Holly Street in Abita Springs. Gathering at 6:00pm, meeting at 6:30pm.
Guests are welcome.
On Saturday, it's Fishing Tackle
Unlimited of Houston's annual Inshore Expo at their Katy Freeway Store.
TIme is 9:00am to 5:00pm. There's no cost. Seminars include Plugging for
Big (Speckled) Trout, Fly Fishing the Texas Hill Country, and Fly
Fishing in Cuba. There's also fly tying and casting. For more info, go
to www.fishingtackleunlimited.com.