In a normal year, by December 15th we've put together a complete calendar of fly fishing and kayak fishing events for the coming year. Well 2020 was not a normal year. In fact, if 2020 were a house, we'd burn down the house, scoop up the ashes, then burn the ashes, and bury what was left in a sealed container deep beneath the ground!
The continuing pandemic has resulted in an almost complete cancellations of activities for the first half of 2021. Here's a brief summary of regional events with intended dates in parenthesis:
- New Orleans Fly Fishing Expo (Jan. 23) - cancelled
- Atlanta Fly Fishing Show (Feb. 5-6) - cancelled
- Dr. Ed Rizzolo Fly Tying Festival (Feb. 13) - cancelled
- FFI Gulf Coast Sweetwater Classic (Feb. 26-27) - postponed to Sept. 17-18
- Red Stick Day conclave (Mar. 6) - postponed to Fall TBA
- Kisatchie Fly Fishers Fly Fish 101 (April) - postponed to Fall TBA
- Sowbug Roundup (May) - cancelled
In addition, club meetings are continuing on Zoom. Some club trips are still scheduled, but the majority have been cancelled until Fall. Check with your local club to see what trips, if any, are taking place this year.