Sunday, July 30, 2017
What's happening this week 7/30
On Tuesday, the Acadiana Fly Rodders hold their monthly meeting at Grace Presbyterian Church on 415 Roselawn in Lafayette. Time is 6:30pm. Guests are welcome. On Wednesday, the Pontchartrain Basin Fly Fishers holds their monthly general meeting at Abita Brew Pub on 72011 Holly Street in Abita Springs. Time is 6:00pm. Guests are welcome. For more info, go to On Saturday, Orvis of Baton Rouge will hold an "Advanced Casting Course". There are three (3) two-hour sessions: 11:00am, 2:00pm, and 4:00pm. Each session has a limited class size so pre-registration is required. There is NO cost for each session. The class will focus on improving basic casting skills to the next level. To register, call 225-757-7286. Also on Saturday, the Backpacker of Baton Rouge will hold a free "Paddle Demo Day" at BREC's Wampold Park on Stanford Avenue adjacent to University Lake. Time is 10:00am to 2:00pm. Models include Hobie, Wilderness, Perception, Mad River, YOLO, and others. In case of inclimate weather, check their Facebook page to confirm, or call 225-925-2667.