Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Introducing the Seqwing Fly

My good friend Randy Leonpacher, the gentleman who created the now world-famous Jitterbee, has developed a new pattern for targeting crappie and schooling bass. The Seqwing is a detached spoon fly design. It wobbles with the wing down and hook point up when using a steady strip. The main attribule is the sequin type wing, hence the Seqwing name.


  • Hook: Mustad 9672 in size 10 (or equivalent)
  • Wing: Leaf Sequin (color of choice) in size 13x25mm having a small hole at both ends
  • Bead: Gold plated 3.2 metal bead
  • Body: Metallic braid or fine chenille in color to compliment a leaf sequin
  • Tail: Krystal flash of desired color

Alternatively, a sequin of smaller size or shape will work and be easier to cast with a lighter weight rod.


Thread gold plated 3.2 mm metal bead onto the hook. Push hook point through the hole on the top side at the narrow end of the leaf sequin. Place hook in the vice with hook point down. 
Wrap a layer of thread on hook from behind the sequin to the midpoint of the hook. Tie on about 12 to 24 strands of Krystal Flash at the midpoint to form a tail.
Tie on metallic braid or fine chenille for the body from the base of the tail to the back side of the leaf sequin.
Wrap braid or chenille to just behind the leaf sequin. Make sure the braid or chenille fits snugly with no gaps between it and the hook eye. Tie several thread wraps to secure the braid or chenille body material behind the leaf sequin. Add a few whip finishes behind the leaf sequin.
Rotate the leaf sequin into position and bend it to about a 45 degree angle to the hook shank. Trim off the narrow tip after the leaf is in position. Apply thread cement to secure the thread wraps behind the leaf sequin.
Another view of the finished Seqwing. 
Try experimenting with different sequin colors and body materials.


  • Stiff tippet will keep the in-line spoon fly from wobbling. A loop knot should be used with a heavy tippet.
  • The green leaf sequins and gold plated metal beads use were found at Hobby Lobby but are also available elsewhere.