New size and daily creel limits for redfish go into effect and will be enforced beginning Thursday, June 20, 2024. Click on the image on left for a full-size version that you can print and trim for your gear bag.
The new regulations are as follows:
- Daily Creel: 4-fish daily limit per angler
- Slot size Limit: 18-inch minimum and 27-inch maximum total length
- Bull Reds: keeping Red Drum over 27 inches is prohibited
- The retention of Red Drum by captain and crew on charter or head boats while on a for-hire trip will be prohibited.
- Charter captains and crew will still be allowed to engage in fishing on charter trips to demonstrate how to catch red drum, but will not be allowed to retain red drum towards any limit on the vessel.
Biologists have determined that red drum stocks are not meeting the required conservation standards for spawning potential ratio and stock recruitment in Louisiana, and that changes in creel and/or size limits were necessary. For more info on the biologists stock assessment, go to