Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Orvis BR announces June Fly Fishing 101 classes

The learning curve to fly fishing can be steep if you don't have someone to help guide throught the tackle, terminology, and casting basics. Fortunately, there are several opportunities to get that assistance - and at no cost.

Orvis offers "Fly Fishing 101" classes through their stores. FF101 is a one-day, 2.5 hour clinic designed to introduce the basics of fly fishing and fly casting.  It includes hands-on rigging and casting instruction.  It's perfect for beginners of all ages (under 16 must be accompanied by an adult). There is NO cost, but pre-registration is required as class size is limited.

The Orvis store in Baton Rouge just announced three sessions:
- June 3rd
- June 10th
- June 17th

For more info, or to register, call (225) 757-7286.