Tonight kicks off the first of 8 public meetings hosted by Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries on the future of speckled trout management. The meetings are in response to biologists studies that show that seatrout are overfished, and changes are necessary in order to recover the stock.
Some of the responses I've seen on Facebook give new meaning to the word "stupid". Some of the very same folks who said that the Calcasieu limit of 15 was implemented despite the "science", and we should've listened to the biologists, are now saying the science is unreliable, the biologists are not always right and no changes should be made. Honestly folks, you can't make this sh*t up!
Regardless, it points out that there will be resistance to tighter limits. Those of us who support conservation MUST be at these meetings and make our voice heard. I hate to say this, but there are a good number of fly anglers who either don't care about speckled trout, or give conservation lip service. Therefore those of us who DO LOVE to fly fish for specks must carry the burden.
The chart says it all. We need a 20% savings in the spawning potential ratio. This means a 14" minimum size limit with either a 15 or 20 daily limit.
Personally I strongly support 14/15 - 14 inch minimum size and 15 fish daily limit. This will get us back above the conservation target in the least amount of time and keep us safely above that target for the foreseeable future.
For meeting dates and locations in your area, check out our Calendar page.