A reminder that with National Fishing and Boating Week, Louisiana's free fishing days are this coming Saturday and Sunday. Both residents and non-residents can fish fresh or salt June 8-9 without needing a license.
On Wednesday, the Pontchartrain Basin Fly Fishers hold their monthly meeting at Abita Brew Pub on 72011 Holly Street in Abita Springs. Gathering starts at 6:00pm, meeting at 6:30pm. Guests are welcome. For more info, go to www.pbasinflyfishers.blogspot.com.
On Saturday, Ship to Shore in Lake Charles will hold a free "Kayak Demo Day" at Prien Lake Park. Time is 10:00am to 2:00pm. Weather permitting. The Lake Charles Kayak Fishing Club will also be on hand to discuss kayak fishing and kayak rigging. For more info, go to their Facebook page.
Also on Saturday, Masseys Outfitters of New Orleans will hold a free "Kayak Demo Day" at Deutsches Haus at 1700 Moss Street on Bayou St. John. Time is 10:00am to 3:00pm. Subject to weather. For more info, check their Facebook page.